Other events and Activities
We have some regular weekly or monthly drop in events that are open to anyone.
We welcome everyone of all ages to our Coffee Stop Community Café which is open every Tuesday morning in the church. It’s a good place to meet up with friends old and new! Come and have a go at a crossword, jigsaw puzzle, card game & dominoes, or just sit and chat over a hot drink with a biscuit or some cake.
The church is heated from 10am – 12 noon every Tuesday during Coffee Stop in the cold winter months so we can be A Warm Space in Bexhill

We have a craft club called “Crafty Taskers” meeting every month in the small hall. We do a variety of different projects, over the years we have made some cushions and Bible marker ribbons for the church, and some beautiful large banners. We make items to sell at our Christmas Fair and recently have started making Easter goodies for a sale table, to fundraise for the church upkeep and repairs.
You don’t need to be a church member to join in with the crafts- everyone is welcome. No previous experience is necessary, just come and have a go!

“Open Office” is a time set aside once a month on a Thursday morning, for anyone who has any concerns, questions, or anything else they wish to discuss with Kev. If you cannot make a Thursday morning and wish to arrange to see him another time, or if you need a home visit; please use the contacts page to send us an email, or give us a call.
Regular outreach events…
Coffee stop Community café
Tuesdays 10 am - 12 noon
In the church
All Welcome!
Parents & Toddler group
Thursdays (during term time) 1 -2.30pm
Contact Tania on 01424 251002
Messy Church
3rd Sundays of the month
9.15 – 10.30am
‘Crafty Taskers’
On 4th Wednesdays of the month
1.30 – 3.30pm In the hall
No experience necessary! All welcome
‘Open Office’
On 4th Thursdays of the month
Drop in from 10am – 12 noon
A chance to speak to Kev about anything,
or just chat informally
All welcome
Coffee/tea available
At The Vicarage, 67 Woodsgate Park

St Stephen's in the Community
We are working with others in our local community, our hall is used daily for community classes and events, we also help with the storage of Food bank.
We are working hard to build links with local schools and the Town Council.
For more information about hiring our halls for your community event; please go to the Hall section.

FOLL (Friends of Lossie Long) are always looking for more helpers to bake, serve food, or drivers who are willing to collect people to bring them to the lunches/teas in the hall.
If you would like to know more about The Friends of Lossie Long, and how to volunteer, or how to join the group, please call Tim directly on 01424 213456 or 07480 646276